Filming locations of Silver and Cold - how do they look now?

Looking for pictures of the Silver and Cold video, I came accross this fantastic blog that takes pictures of locations that were used in movies/TV shows/music videos, that show the locations in Prague, Czech Republic, where the Silver and Cold video was shot.

I never saw ayone posting about this, so here ya go!



This is super neat! Thanks for posting this. I have no idea how you find this, but it’s awesome. :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting. Nice to see the places without the filter and to see a couple of changes :stuck_out_tongue:. I didn’t really expect there to have been any changes! Hope to get to Prague one day - looks so beautiful :revolving_hearts:


Oh wow thanks for sharing. I love Prague, it’s one of my favorite cities and Silver and Cold is probably my favorite music video ever. I love the filter they used.


Love Like Winter is by far their favorite of mine but Silver and Cold is definitely second, mainly because of that beautiful filter like you said. But how can you top the part where Davey crashes through the ice in Love Like Winter…?


Honestly, for me, IMO, Days of the Phoenix is still my favorite. I think I like it so much because it also captures the crowd and their darker look (before Crash Love).


Neat. thanks for sharing

Very cool! Thanks for sharing. Prague is one of my husband’s favorite places. I hope we end up there on one of our next European vacations - I would love to see the city and be nerdy and take pictures. :nerd_face:

This is terrible and heartless… though I did think it was pretty I always thought the video was ridiculous. Mainly because of the car crash. Please don’t hate me. :pleading_face:

This is incredibly cool. Thanks for posting!

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