Hello all x my husband has been pushing me to join :P

I have been a fan of AFI since I was a child…so definitely been a long time fan, lol. I was lucky enough to have a father who enjoyed all types of music. I have very vivid memories of the first time I listened to the Sing the Sorrow album with my dad. For some reason, I clicked with This Celluloid Dream and it has been one of my favorite AFI songs since I was around 8 years old. I must admit I only truly enjoy AFI from Sing the Sorrow to their present albums lol…my husband likes their older stuff so i’m slowly but surely getting into it. I hardly had to convince my husband to give our child the middle name of Havok (whether we had a son or daughter) so now we have a beautiful boy named Oliver Havok x my husband and I hope to share our love of music with our children, and I swear to god our children better love AFI :joy::joy::joy:


Oliver Havok is a great name! And my three year old niece already loves AFI (The Boy Who Destroyes The World is her current fave). Gotta teach them young!

Welcome to our forums!

Welcome! :smiley: I wish my wife likes AFI…but no luck :frowning: My daugther doesn’t like it either…my only chance would be to introduce my son to it :wink: Although he’s 6 months old :stuck_out_tongue: And his name is Oliver too :wink: Small world! :smiley: