Pop Kids read through in January?

Hey, I’m going to be re-reading Pop Kids in January (so it’s fresh in my brain for Love Fast Los Angeles) and I’m wondering if anyone wants to join in? Do a group read through? I thought I would throw it out there, in case anyone wants to read or re-read and have somewhere to discuss things :slight_smile:


I still need to get it, but I do plan on getting it kinda soon. @_tonibell will likely be all over it with you.

I’m reading something else right now…and I’m not sure I’m going to be able to finish by January…but…will try :slight_smile: Would love to read Pop Kids once more :slight_smile:


for anyone who is interested I made a spotify playlist here based on the list in the back of the book (there were two or three songs I couldn’t hunt down on spotify)

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If I wasn’t in the midst of a research project, I would totally reread. I did post notes on here in the Pop Kids Book Club post but only up to like chapter 15; no one was really into it. https://www.weareafi.com/t/pop-kids-book-club-thing/180/43

I taught it to my college freshmen this past semester. That was an experience. But since I read it so much the past three much, I can def chat with you about it. :slight_smile: I’m stoked Love Fast is based around my beloved Alvin.

I did love Alvin, I think part of that was he seemed less jaded than the other characters, slightly more hopeful, not as obsessed with fame? Or maybe just obsessed with it in a different way? I can’t wait to have him as the main character :slight_smile: I’m thinking of making a list of ridiculous euphemisms and I will definitely check out your notes.

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I’ll gladly reread it! :slight_smile:


Got up to chapter 38 on the PK book club on here and due to various reasons haven’t read any further so when you get up to that bit, let me know and I’ll gladly get back into it :grin:

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I feel like I failed you. DM me your email, and I’ll send you the rest of my notes/commentary. I feel awful I never finished. :frowning:

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Send it to me too for my reread :wink:

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@sayasha @_tonibell @Alina

You three should post some of your favorite lines from Pop Kids. Here’s what I want to do. Since LFLA drops on February 6th, I’d like to tweet out lines (lines that you post) with a link to this thread, every day until LFLA drops. But I will need your help since I do not own the book yet.

So, starting January 6th.


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Love this idea- will start posting them once I start re-reading PK!


I like that idea! I’m starting my reread on January 1st, so i’ll make a little list of lines and post some on here for you!


Haha, I got you. No worries

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On paper I know that I’m getting all green lights, but in here it’s all flickering shadows.

You can wash your hands of the church but its stains take years to get off.

The last two I had because they were on my Vsco forever ago haha
But here are a few of my quotes! Let me know if you need more


no worries @_tonibell. That’s very kind of you to offer. I’ll DM you. :slight_smile:

@Sugar_and_Ice we can always have our own discussion!

@_tonibell I did go look at your discussion notes and they are fascinating!


@_tonibell’s notes are very good.
I tend to use fiction reading as escapism and a way to kind of put my over-thinking brain on standby :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I found it very hard not to do that with this so Tonianne really helped me get beyond the surface level of the book.

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Thank you! Look for an email Sunday. I’ll have the rest of the notes there.

Thanks! Glad you liked them.