Rejoining the Df

I am happy to be part of the active DF family once more. I moved to Kenya 10 years ago and lost my previous log in details.

Met so many wonderful people along the way. I remember my secret Santa was Kat and she sent me a beautiful throw that I still hold dear. Along the way we’ve lost a few members, but the memories and inclusivity still stands.


Was an 04 05 df member, Surreality. Kinda not happy I lost my account :frowning:

You can email

We also here this little perk on our own fan forums here: Get Verified as "Despair Faction" on these forums - see inside

Thank you!! Will definitely get on this once you go home this weekend!!

I feel you on this. I can hardly find old friends here. I miss Ziggyberlin! One of the first friends I made here.

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