Who Will I see at the Chicago, Maryland, cleavland, charlotte NC and Alpharetta Georgia shows?
AFI is coming to Charlotte?? I don’t know how I missed hearing about that. I live like an hour from there. Definitely the nearest they’ve come in a while.
Edit -
Goddamnit. They’re playing at the motherfucking Pavilion. When they came to Raleigh last year with Anti-Flag they played outside too. In August. In the south. Uuuuugh…
That raleigh show was dope though I think I still have that setlist somewhere Im down to very few out of 20 setlists ive aquired in past 4 years Im down to like 4 cause ive given them away to other DF members just because. Really as long as I have the kansas city blood tour one and the one from dallas on mia tour Im ok those have special meaning. The Raleigh show wasnt even the hottest I can attest the most miserable was the asbury park in new jersey omg It was literally hell on earth hot
Well im doing lawn for all those except chicago im doing barricade pit cause its ga standing room only and not bs assigned seating
I need to stop getting excited for AFI when I havent even done these blaqk audio shows yet
Hiiii you’ll see me at the Maryland show in the lawn I feel like I’ll see you in Philly for BA first
You will lolfor BA I got phoenix chicago detroit boston philly both nyc shows and dc
I’ll be at the Alpharetta show in Georgia
See you in Georgia im glad they are playing 2 close shows living in greenville sc im in between both charlotte and atlanta so it works out:joy:
Sweet ! Will link up in GA
Im still debtaing on what shows to go to. I can’t pay the high end price for these shows especially if i wana go to a few of them.
That’s what I was kind of bummed about . The price of the tickets and I’m sure AFI will only be on for a 30 min set . Do what we must tho .
I’ll be in the lawn at the MD show. Ticket prices were insane.
I’ve never been to a show at a venue this big. I think I’m going to be disappointed but it’s better than not going at all.
@Midnightrunner I’ll also be at the Philly BA show
Cant wait for Alpharetta show!!!
I think I might go to the Chicago date as Chicago is the closest to me. I think I am going to skip Blaqk Audio and try to go to an AFI date if I can. @Cher_I_Despair Thanks for offering to drive me to Michigan though.
Dont skip blaqk audio its such a fun and intimate experience no matter where you are at the venues are small and several are no barricade
I’ll definitely be there in Columbia, MD - hoping they get to play more than five songs.
Anyone going to the Ohio show on the 19th? Debating if I should get some lawn tickets, they’re only $20 right now on live nation
Ill be at Chicago Ohio maryland charlotte amd Atlanta shows feel free to say Hello if you see my Im a chatterbox and will always strike convo
Well now that BA is over you should definitely see AFI and Smashing Pumpkins in Dallas! I have an extra ticket… ( ;