I stumbled upon this cover on the Fall Children Facebook page and it’s a pretty damn good cover (IMO). It’s a heavy cover of the song that definitely does AFI justice. I personally listened to this song about 6 times in a row. NOTHING is better than the original, but you don’t get too much closer than these guys!
(this is an image, video at bottom)
It was performed by :
Vocals - Alex Miracle
Guitar - Robbie Bingham
Production / Guitar / Bass - Sam Schneider
Alex used to post on the Despair Faction. I remember he said Modernhell’s version was inspired by this live version where Jade’s guitar gets all messed up.
I’m gonna go ahead and admit that song is one of my least listened to songs of AFI. Not that I don’t like it, but I definitely wouldn’t have been singing along in the crowd… well, maybe that chorus, LOL.
The vinyl-exclusive tracks were what got me into collecting records, and VPOY was the first record I ever bought. I like this song because of that, although I don’t listen to it much either.
Ive played most all of my AFI records, (I know, shame on me) but sometimes I just get a hankerin’ for that full-range dynamic analog recording.
I’ve got a few 7 inches, one of them has scratched into and around the center “The answer is” and on the flip side "7"
I’ve also got 336.
I play Fallen like the Sky on the 7 inch DU.
I’m about to listen to Reiver’s Music right now. "Aaaah, I gave up fightin’ "
I’ve played my OG copy of Behind the Times a few times. I’ve played the AFI side of Dork once. With the reissues coming out, I’d rather put the wear on them.