Band promo photo central& rare cool merch and stuff post em here

I can get that one to you too. BTW that’s the BSITS promo, not STS.

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Oh right Davey did have the rows prior STS I feel like a noob!LOl!

Hey my bro,the photos are up top on this thread,but I’m assuming you mean the hq scans I do at costco,sure I’ll do it tomorrow,if you want man I can make extra actual photo scans and mail them to you,its the least I can do for you after all these years,please let me do you this solid!
BTW if anyone else would like hq photo copies to frame I got you covered just respond below

If you could scan them with a 600ppi resolution and send the scans my way, it would be great! Don’t want to put you through the hassle of mailing them out. A good scan will be enough. Thanks!

Ok bro I’ll be off to fedex store in a bit and see how they come out!

Hey Pablo,I should receive my dork copy from Afivinyl any day now as soon as it arrives I got your rip coming,also today I’ll scan 600ppi of all the band promo photos.Just giving you an update and letting you know I didnt forget ya!

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Awesome dude! I’m excited!

No luck today with the mailok good news some have received their in store today,I should have mine Monday and if I can’t rip it I’ll send I can’t to you

Sure dude no problem, I’m patiently waiting! Thanks!

hey, is there any chance i could have my hands on that hq scans too, thanks

Whats up dude,unfortunately the only photos i got were off the web,I wasnt able to get a direct scan from anyone with a original to send me a hi res for me to make a hi res of my own.thanks for the reminder though,ill try again though,i really want them!