Through our bleeding

Hey y’all! I’m Drew! I’ve been a fan now for…almost twenty years now. Wow. I was Citylights337 on the old boards, and am really happy to have a forum again! I recently rediscovered my love for AFI. Umm I don’t really know what else to say right now, but ask me anything!


Welcome @CrashLove Glad to have you here! :smiley: You’re going to enjoy the forums…we are a really nice bunch :slight_smile:

And…I’m not sure what to ask you…so…what’s your favorite AFI song? :slight_smile:

Welcome @CrashLove ! I was DarquerThanEver on the old boards, though I didn’t post much back then. Then again, I wanted to change my name back then to “STORMS” but changing your name was almost impossible. :slight_smile:

I’m super happy you found us! I’ve been a fan since 2000 myself. :slight_smile:

I’ve been a fan since 2001! And I have the same screen name now as on the old forums (though I was more of a lurker, and also constantly getting grounded from the internet).

What’s your favorite AFI era?

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