Under the Rose zine

Just wondering if anyone knows how many issues of Under the Rose were published? I’ve only got issue 1 and no idea if there were ever any more.

I have issue 2, so there was at least one more, but I have no idea if it kept going after that.

There’s no date on the inside that I can see, but there is a lot about how long it took to get out after issue 1. :woman_shrugging:

When I have a little more time, I’ll see if I can upload it. It’s such a fun read! :heart: Classic times!

That would be great if you get a chance to upload it! When did they come out, like 2002/03ish?

Here’s issue #2. I’m afraid the quality isn’t great; I just photographed the pages like an old school spy! :sweat_smile: (It should let you zoom in to read.)
I’m not sure exactly when these came out, but this one must have been 2004 or later, because that’s the year given in the interview with Hunter.
Enjoy. :heart:

If you ever get a chance to upload issue #1 that would be amazing! Also if anyone has any information on whether or not there was an issue #3, that would be great, too! :grinning:


I will upload issue 1 over the weekend, remind me next week if i forget! Love that there’s an interview with The Explosion, I freaking loved them. Saw them support AFI in London one time as well, so good

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Some more info from a Reddit thread I just found. Looks like we’ve got the whole set between the two of us. I’m going to have to keep an eye on eBay for a copy of issue 2.

Edit: I guess the STORMS who replied on Reddit is the same person who runs this forum? Thanks STORMS!

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Thanks for the updated information. That zine was pretty special. The whole DF experience was. I guess it just got too big to keep those sorts of personal touches current. On top of which, people started to drift away for various reasons - myself included. It’s sad, but that’s how it goes I suppose.

Yeah same here. I drifted from AFI after the release of DU, kind of vaguely kept up with album releases, then got super back into them during the first UK lockdown last year when I was in the midst of a bout of nostalgia. I guess lockdown did have its upsides after all!

I guess I started drifting a little after Crash Love. I’d wandered into a pretty dark place and music couldn’t pull me back this time. I also kept up with release dates, but not much else. It sounds weird, but I sort of felt I’d become ‘unworthy’ of being in the fan club, like I needed to go into a self-imposed exile until I was less of a mess. Then last year I just needed to listen to them again - a LOT! I guess I was on a nostalgia trip as well. :blue_heart:

The 3rd issue was not a print copy. It was issued as a password protected pdf in Dec '09 (I think =/ ).
I saved the file and named it with the password but recently discovered after working for a decade the password, sadly, no longer works. I can’t believe I never screen-capped it but if anyone else did I would love a copy, …so dumb =/.
All I have is the cover and the page my portraits appeared on.

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Wow, I had no idea the 3rd issue existed; thank you! :slightly_smiling_face: I love your portraits, the detail is amazing!

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I finally dug out issue 1! Hopefully the photographs upload OK. I’ll try to scan it properly at some point, I’m mid house move at the minute so everything is either in boxes or in chaos.

Thank you so much! :grinning: I really appreciate you doing this, I can’t wait to read it. :black_heart:

This was brilliant, thanks again for these! The guys are always so much fun. Personally, I think Christmas Tree Lane is a great name for an album, haha. :laughing:
The Weight of Words seems like it would have been a beautiful song. It’s a pity we never got to hear it. :blue_heart:

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