I know Davey did a few cover songs with Smashing Pumkins, but I bet Davey’s thrilled to have AFI be on the same bill as them.
Any word of a DF presale? Or any other presale for that matter?
Always interesting seeing how bands fair in other countries. Noel Gallagher is a Festival/Stadium headliner over here and definitely would be headlining (although smashing pumpkins are still pretty massive over here in terms of live bands tbf)
This is close. Considering this but not a huge fan of the other bands… Not sure I can justify spitting out for pit tickets.
Ticketmaster says AFI presale starts tomorrow but not sure how that works? Is there a code?
They just sent out the code this morning to the DF. Shoot me a DM if you didn’t get it
Of course, after I posted I got an email haha. Thanks!
What do I have to be signed up for to get the code? I’m dying to see this show!
Same question I would like to know how to get the code. I am not on here a lot, but have saw them on my Honeymoon in 2013 and again in 2017.
the code is most likely MISSING MAN, TRASH BAT, BREAK ANGELS or GET DARK.
Interesting 2/3 of AFI’s tours are as support sigh
The code through the smashing pumpkins site is
Starts tomorrow at 10am
Y’all I cannot decide what to do. I really want to see them. Do not want to sit in the lawn/seats but can’t justify paying a ton for a 30 minute set. I wish I had more than a day to decide!
Code for Noel Gallagher is MOUNTAIN.
I am just excited to see them on a big stage. Both times I have saw them were club shows
They’re finally coming to a city close enough for me to go in August
I’m so hype! It’s 3 days after this Columbia show.
Opted for lawn. Couldn’t justify the price for anything else and by the time we got through the ticket queue all the orchestra were gone.
If anyone is going to the MD show see ya there!
Before I embark on a massive rant. What’s the fuck is the deal with the ticket prices?! Is that standard for the states or something?
Considering Smashing Pumpkins are reuniting, and considering Noel was in Oasis which was huge back in the day, and they’re both headlining, I wouldn’t have expected less. Last year I payed $75 for each ticket (with fees) to see the Mouring in Amerika tour, and the three bands have never been half as huge as Smashing Pumpkins or Oasis.
Having said that, I would never pay that amount of money to see AFI play 10 songs.
I’ll be on the lawn in MD! Let’s have a lawn party
That’s nuts. I thought ticket prices over here had gotten bad in the last few years. There was about a 20% hike on tickets about 4-5 years ago. Deftones/Afi in London was £40-45. That’s about as much as I’d pay for a 10 song set considering they hadn’t been over here in 8 years