I see quite a few people but not a lot of intros, I’ll do one anyway
Hi all.
My name is Zoé and I’m from little Denmark.
I’m 25 (I wish) ahem… 35 and I live with my dog Luna.
I’ve been into AFI just shy of 15 years and my love for them started, when I saw a thread about them on a Placebo forum. People were totally going nuts about them so I asked for song recommendations and the rest, as they say, is history. I fell hard and fast! Had my first AFI tattoo within a month, people thought I was crazy but I knew this was for life. They mean absolutely everything to me!
I’ve seen them live 43 times (and Dreamcar 8 times… I think). All over Europe and as of last year, all around the US as well.
I’m coming back to the US this September to see them at Red Rocks, in SLC, Idaho and Montana. Anyone going to those?
Anyway, happy to be here and can’t wait to get to know you all
Welcome! Glad to have you here! And I feel you about September seeming so far away! I’m going to the Vancouver and Seattle shows. It will be my 5th and 6th time seeing AFI
Welcome @ZoeAimee I haven’t seen AFI live yet I’m a kind of brand new fan…so that’s explains why in a way…but anyway…thanks for your videos! I’m planning to watch/listen most of them today at work
Thank you @Blag
Ahh that’s so awesome though. Sometimes I wish I could discover them all over again, hear all these amazing songs for the first time, see them live for the first. Would be incredible
I will be at Red Rocks.
Trying to get my traveling crew to go to the Montana show as well. We will be in Yellowstone on that Wednesday, and it’s only an hour and 22 min drive.
I’m still trying to convince them
Other than that, for the tour for me is, Nashville, Irvine, Santa Barbara and the previously mentioned, Red Rocks.
Hello. I’m Amber. I’m 35 and one of the original DF 100 from 2002. I’ve seen them more times than I can keep count of and its still not enough. I’ve been an AFI fan since 1997. I’m currently in Arizona completing my residency in obstetrics and gynecology.