UPDATED at bottom with video of “No Poetic Device” from Black Sails in the Sunset. It’s only the second time (first was this past Saturday night) this song has been performed live since 2010!
Photo: Dan Williams
Thanks to Jacob for set list # 1
Thanks to Dan Williams (@dwill337) for set list # 2!
As AFI wraps up one of their last shows shadowing the East Coast, they leave another 10-song mark into our memories. Added to their set list for the 2nd time this tour, and played for the first times since 2010 was “No Poetic Device” from one of their darkest and most iconic albums, “Black Sails in the Sunset” from 1999.
Staples to their Mourning in Amerika set become clear as “Girl’s Not Grey, Paper Airplanes, Miss Murder and Snow Cats”. They have played these select four songs at all eight shows so far during this tour. Check out the album breakdown below!
- Girl’s Not Grey (Sing the Sorrow)
- 17 Crimes (Burials)
- Of Greetings and Goodbyes (The Art of Drowning)
- Paper Airplanes (Sing the Sorrow)
- Beautiful Thieves (Crash Love)
- Days of the Phoenix (The Art of Drowning)
- Snow Cats (Blood Album)
- No Poetic Device (Black Sails in the Sunset)
- I Hope You Suffer (Burials)
- Miss Murder (Decemberunderground)
Thanks to @Cher_I_Despair via Facebook for the set list!
Thanks to Lisa F for getting this!