Tonight, AFI took over Brooklyn, NY and delivering a set list with an iconic tone… with Strength Through Wounding. The Black Sails in the Sunset track was the first Black Sails track to be played so far on the Mourning in Amerika tour. The track carries the crowd as we chant, “Through our bleeding, we are one”…
It’s been typical so far that AFI is playing 10-11 songs each night. Fun fact: Every show so far on the Mourning in Amerika tour has gotten AT LEAST one new song that hasn’t been played yet on this tour. Tonight, “Strength Through Wounding” was that song.
Strength Through Wounding (Black Sails in the Sunset)
Take out LLW and this is the best set so far. Too bad they’re not coming near me. Ticket prices are low enough for this tour to justify leaving before the headliner.
Hey @STORMS we must hug and chat later after show Im not staying for rise against set and going to see about bus situation all though its in ye gate and I dont see me getting back in with things to sign
Hey @Cher_I_Despair my wife and I left also right after AFI. My mom was watching our kids so we had to get going. It was awesome seeing you again! See you again tomorrow night!
Right afer afis set adam was at merch stand for a bit talking to us I got to tell him my geoff story cause he liked my file 13 shirt and asked if thats where I got it lol and said they might do but home is Nowhere for my 30th bday:grin:
At connecticut show he was far back in crowd chilling watch rise againsts set. I wonder if Anyone came out after words I saw Davey het in a car and girls were chasing him down the road:joy: I was waiting at the crosswalk and he waved bye to me lol.