Post Your AFI Collections

It gets rid of the screaming section and replaces it with an alternate bridge.

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Thank You! Just listened to it. Can’t get used to it. The extra verse doesn’t quite seem to fit with the other verses (e.g. the original verses refer to ‘him’ rather than ‘I’ (although obviously the chorus is in the 1st person)). Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever really looked at the lyrics of MM properly, unlike most other AFI songs!

I live in the UK and never heard that version, then again, I never heard it on the radio, only on the Kerrang and Scuzz tv channels. Since (as far as I’m aware) they didn’t release an alternate version of the video, I guess that would explain why I haven’t heard of it until now.

Yeah, I don’t think it ever actually caught on anywhere. I’ll turn this version on if I feel like throwing my friends off.

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If you wanna hear something that will throw you off, listen to the duet version of Miss Murder.

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@Acidpickle Man, that shit is truly awful. When I first heard it back in 09 I just laughed :sweat_smile:

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I have that single duet version cd but I cant find it on discogs…do you have it too? I have never heard it though.

Japanese Crash Love has it.

I did find that…but I actually have a single with just that duet on it…ill have to find it a post a picture later.

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Might have the same. It’s trk1. Medicate is trk 2, there’s a 3rd trk that’s blank. I’ve put it on Discogs already if it is that one.

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Yeah, I think that’s it.

Pretty rare that one AFAIK

Am I correct that it’s not on Discogs?

People move stuff around within hours of it going on Discogs. It was amongst the singles, although it’s a promo for an album.

That’s the one. I just looked through my collection and can’t find it!! But I know it’s here someplace. I will not rest until it’s located :male_detective:t2:‍♂️

Here it is, thank goodness.


Need to get my mitts on one of those bad boys.

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I had no idea that it was even rare, I put it in my Discogs collection today after I found it and already had someone message me to see if I’d sell it. I see 4ibanez is the only other on that has it in their collection. I randomly found it on a UK website for sale, I don’t think I even paid $10 for it.

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These are my rare afi records



Lol!! That’s awesome. They were “in store only” versions haha!!

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